Coach Attila

  • USSF National C License Soccer Coach
  • Personal Trainer License #: 17346NJPFT
  • Coaching Children Between Age 6-19
  • Working at USA Soccer Academy Since 2017
  • Resistance Trainer

Years of coaching development

Life is fair to people who can't see the struggle in development

Attila Szabo

Read about My Values

Think Beyond the Game

Transform Soccer Sessions Into the Bedrock of Children Development

Coaching soccer to create skillful players is the traditional way of coaching. Coaching to develop future leaders and prepare kids for life is a new dimension of coaching. The coach's approach to soccer determines the destiny of the children in the soccer community. Therefore, the coach's job is to create the appropriate personal growing environment for children.

The United States Soccer Federation (USSF) figured out a brilliant approach to create a developmental environment to provoke thoughts with a guiding question and emphasize fun sessions that can tone down the frustrating learning process. The USSF coaching philosophy is a great way to educate children because it forces coaches to step over the horizon and figure out how to lead the player, team, and the coach themselves.

After leading myself for so many years, every action or thought forces me to reflect and transform my life into a series of lessons I learned. It's easy to learn when it's fun to learn, but it's essential to stay focused when it turns hard or even painful. The trick is to figure out the child's unique pathway to create a direction and then learn to enjoy and embrace the discovery. It is a never-ending process, and there are more life skills to learn than time to teach. Therefore, personal development needs direction and must be hand-picked according to the individual interest of the child. This self-development will guide children to make quality micro-decisions in the future.

The key to teaching creativity is to retain discovery. Therefore, to help children bring out the proper quality choice again in the future, coaches use guiding questions to get the player involved in the obstacle. The questions must define success and core values of life development in order to serve them for a lifetime as a compass. It is important to define success and core values in the early age of the child because as life goes by, these principles will keep them in the right direction and shape their gut feelings towards successful decisions. Of course, laying down the bedrock of life development is more complex than asking questions, but it is an excellent tool to start supporting a child's discovery.


Children Development

  • Action
  • Discovery
  • Safety
  • Reality Imitation
  • Challenging
  • Tailored Support
  • Questioning
  • Learning
  • Imagination
  • Fun Play
  • Chaos

Wisdom in Our Life

Discovering Wisdom Like Waterdrops Creating a River in the Mountain

I'm living through my life-experiences like waterdrops one after the other, connecting to create power. Drop by drop, there is not much value, but when they unite, they become powerful enough to support life on its pathway.

Experiences tie together to support each other as countless waterdrops connect to create strength. At some point, the integrity of one's strength becomes strong enough to transform from waterdrops into creeks and eventually from creeks to a river.

Experience is correlated with waterdrops because both are building blocks for the whole picture. Just as rivers are formed from waterdrops, life is built upon experiences one by one as journeys connect to make opinions and merge to shape my personality. One waterdrop is super restricted. Likewise, a single experience will create limited outcomes, but by connecting the elements to develop volume, it will transform rigidity to fluidity.

However, one has to be careful because quantity can turn against you. Too many experiences can confuse the mind and create fog in transparency, just like deeper water becomes less transparent. In that case, diversifying experience is the solution to counterbalancing negative or positive thoughts because every experience completes and affects the other to make one think, feel, and act positively or negatively. Therefore, a high quantity of diversified life experiences will deliver the right balanced future. Where the number of experiences will create the power to dominate, and diversification will carry out wisdom.


Discovery of Wisdom

  • Experience
  • Diversity
  • Responsibility
  • Desire to Rectify
  • Observe
  • Third Perspective
  • Open For New
  • Influencing Reality
  • Accept Others
  • Tackle Unknown

Share my life

Share my life to allow myself to be part of others

As we grow older, waterdrops start to accumulate to make us feel we can predict the future. I see that as an illusion because even though I've been through countless drops already, the future stays unpredictable, despite the fact that these drops are responsible for what I have developed into.

However, experiences do shape one's future through the learning cycle. In my book of experience, the primary purpose of the learning cycle is to help us measure development in our life. I will not get into the complexity of the evaluation process. Instead, I will try to share some of my experiences and highlight a small part of my life to personify my passion for coaching.

I can select any point in my life, but these waterdrops from my childhood taught me to become an unstoppable hard worker. I entered the workforce as a furniture maker at the age of nine. Now, this sounds extremely early, but for me, at the time, it felt normal. It felt normal because I knew my family needed me. My mother worked three shifts at the steel factory, ready for work day or night to support our family. After work, she ran the house, cooking every day for three kids and my father.

My father becomes disabled due to his left arm get paralyzed. However, my father's charisma lived on even with one hand, as he tried his best to provide food, roof, and education for me, my sister, and my brother. My father was a creative craftsman who could work with wood and steel with no problem and did this with one hand.

It was a difficult time in every way because struggling to help my family was just one thing. I had to deal with my so-called friends too. I still remember my friends stopping at the workshop window, making fun of me while working instead of playing outside. Those comments enraged me because I did not know how to deal with the situation.

Nobody explained what peer pressure was back in the day and I did not understand what eventually created my success: work with my father to become one of the top craftsmen in the world or to go and play outside. Nobody taught children how to distinguish success from a scam. Because there was no helping hand to show the way, I felt frustrated and nervous to navigate my life with no target, direction, or map. Some parents see the child as a problem instead look at it as a solution. I was trying so hard to be a solution, but I was destined to fail without any guides or advice from the heart..


My Compass

  • Simplicity
  • Ethics
  • Learning
  • Discovery
  • Balance
  • Challenge
  • Question
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Business
  • Chaos
  • Working Hard
  • Commitment
  • Flexibility
  • Focus
  • Humble
  • Health
  • Exercise
  • Food
  • Soul
  • Reliability
  • Love
  • Struggle
  • Time
  • Action

The Link Between Me and Soccer

My place in the soccer community

I see soccer as a tool to give direction in life as well as define success and values because what is happening on the soccer field is the perfect copy of family and business life. I see this way because on the soccer field, the way we hold together, attack, or defend is built upon the same principles of everyday life. My childhood struggling boils down to my goal of shaping a problem solver and creative teenagers who are ready to lead the next generation. To reach these goals, I'm looking to use the game as a decoy to create a fun, safe, educational environment.


Soccer Benefits for Children

  • Creating Direction
  • Individual Development
  • Supporting Skills
  • Fun Childhood
  • Lifetime Friendship
  • Right Decision Maker
  • Responsibility
  • Feeding Soul
  • Creativity
  • Life Learner
  • Invite Challenges
  • Commitment
  • Leadership

Team Ethics

Planting the Core Values

The real team priority is ethics, not the law

Ethics is the child's compass to distinguish between opportunities and mousetraps. Good things can become bad as time passes, just like how bad things can become useful. The future is unpredictable if there is no way to tell what is an opportunity or a mousetrap. The best way to make a decision is to rely on ethics. Simplifying ethics is easy. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Treat others as you would like to be treated.


Ethics Navigates Children in Chaos

  • Simplify Complexity
  • Choosing Sides
  • Move Forward
  • Friendships
  • Respect in Society
  • Invite Positivity
  • Deny Negativity
  • Recognize Opportunity
  • Creating Trust
  • Support From Others
  • Self Confidence
Years of Experiences

Coaching transformed my life and influenced thousands of children ON and OFF the field


USSF, National C. Coaching License

2020/November- 2021/March

New Jersey Youth Soccer hosted the National C License. The instructors Tommy Geis, Enrique Meana, Loy Urbina, guided me to step into the next level. The course's objective is to carry out the coach's six tasks in the 11 a side game environment. The overwhelming significance of the coach's six tasks opened up my view and gave me a direction on what to learn next. I love to learn new things, but I can hit a wall for two reasons. The first case can be because I stopped learning and developing, and that is something I never allow myself. The second reason is because I can't figure out what is missing or what skill to learn to move the wagon. Deep reflection is a skill everyone must possess to keep things forward. It comes in the form of a desire of why. Before my C License training, I felt like I was hitting a wall and was desperately looking to work my way out. My constant research on coaching methodology, studying soccer history, or attending tactical classes is proof of that. I read eight books by the end of 2020, attend Talking Tactics with N.J. Youth Soccer, but the change started to happen when coach Loy guided me to look at things from different angles. By the end of the training, I developed a new way to coach soccer, a method that brings education-performance, leadership, and fun under one roof to create a player-centered environment. Since I had so many questions, I was probably the most annoying student but, from my heart, I really appreciate coach Loy's patience in opening my eyes and nurturing my development in a different direction.

U-16 Girls Soccer Training Video

C License Coaches on the Final Training Session

Conditioning for Football

2021 October

The course selects topics to create an impact on long-term development to influence the athlete's short-term goals. Eventually, you begin to be able to understand yourself and thus lead your personal development. I always look for a training methodology with a well-balanced and rounded player who is not the best of one thing but can step up to himself in most situations to create respect in the arena.

Mental conditioning is how athletes not only start something but stay engaged when it turns tough. Throughout the course, I found some excellent bullet points on how to create the desired outcome.

One of the goals for this course is to build performance programs for athletes. The programs are based on a multilevel system and emphasize individual growth. The levels are designed to find the proper challenge for the skill, strength, and fitness of each student. To find the appropriate challenge, I love measuring performance. That will give me the objective data to tailor supplemental exercises. This is one of the many examples of testing and evaluation methods.

Another topic of the course focuses on strengthening the body. Training starts with preparing the body with warm-up and flexibility routines to get into the speed, agility, plyometrics, power, or cardiovascular conditioning. I love the detailed description of when to exercise what, and how much.

2021 Trainings and Coachings
  • High School Boys → Frenzy/ Cranford
  • U13 Boys → Blue Dragons/ Cranford
  • U13 Boys/Girls → Rec/ Benchburg
  • U13 Boys → Liverpool/ Piscataway
  • U10 Boys → Mutiny/ Cranford
  • U9-10 Boys → Atletico/ Gillette
  • U9-10 Boys → Bolton/ Gillette
  • U9-10 Boys → AC Milan/ Gillette
  • U9 Boys → Timbers/ Cranford
  • U8 Girls → Pide & Fire/ Piscataway
  • U8 Boys → Real Madrid & Newcastle/ Piscataway
  • U7-8 Boys → Rec/ Piscataway
  • U7-8 Boys/Girls → World Cup/ Westfield
  • U7-8 Boys → Rec/ Benchburg
  • U7-8 Boys/Girls → Rec/ Saddle River
  • U6-7 Girls/Boys → Clinic/ Bernardsville
  • U6-7 Girls → Rec/ Berkeley Hights
  • U6-7 Girls/Boys → Clinic/ Bedminster
  • U9-12 → Net Bursting/ Cranford
  • U9-12 → Footwork X/ Cranford
  • Tryouts at → Warren/ Chatham/ Piscataway/ Cranford


Talking Tactics Sessions

2020 February-May

Talking Tactics Sessions include a series of topics to target the coach's six tasks to guide players and create a player-centered environment on the field. Organized by N.J. Youth Soccer and conducted by coach Enrique Meana, Loui Mignone, and Auke Wiersma. I witnessed a lot of effort to educate coaches on the USSF coaching methodology because the content was outstanding. I could see the years of brainstorming behind the methodology. Preparing presentations like what we experienced takes time, effort, and a lot of hard work. Throughout these months, we covered topics on TECHNIQUE VS SKILL, THE 5 ELEMENTS OF A TRAINING, 1-4-3-3 PLAYER DEVELOPMENT FORMATION, UNITING THE COMMUNITY, U.S. SOCCER GRASSROOTS PLAYER DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK, PLAYER CENTERED COACHING, YOUTH SOCCER INJURIES

2020 Trainings and Coachings
  • High School Boys → Frenzy/ Cranford
  • U16 Girls → Clinic/ Warren
  • U13-14 Boys → Ac Milan/ Gillette
  • U6-12 Boys/Girls → Taiwan
  • U10 Boys → Mutiny/ Cranford
  • U9-10 Boys → Rec/ Gillette
  • U9 Boys → Timbers/ Cranford
  • U7-8 Boys/Girls → World Cup/Westfield
  • U7-8 Girls → Rec/ Gillette

Organizing and Running Training Camps in Taiwan

2020 January

Taiwan Training

My first impression of the academy-level soccer community was that there was a shockingly advanced quality of training from the coaches. To evaluate coach performance, you must observe and analyze the end product of ON and OFF-field player's performance based on data collection. The target for my professional report was to be objective and ignore assumptions. Therefore, here is a quick summary of my observation of the sessions and what to improve. The ball's pace was a joy to watch, and the number of passes before their last possession was on average 5-6 passes, which is exceptionally high in youth soccer. The objective of connecting the defense line with the midfielders and to move the ball from the defensive third to the middle third had an 80% success rate, but connecting the forwards with the midfielders at the attacking third was less than 20% success. First, this was due to a lack of space to pass or dribble forward. Second, the pressure on the ball along with cover and balance prevented the attacking team from triangulating and creating passing options. I experienced Taiwan coaches searching for the balance to create teams based on player's characteristics (speed, technique, power, tactics). There are some difficulties based on cultural viewpoints between parents and coaches, but that is only a matter of time to educate parents on the modern game demands. I give so much respect to Taiwanese soccer because of the community's internal professionalism towards a player-centered environment and warm welcome with honor and kindness towards foreign coaches.

Taiwan Training to Give Back to the Soccer Community


Sport and Exercise Nutrition: Special Considerations

2019 November

It is essential to set nutritional goals for sports based on general nutrition. Sports nutrition is based on science but, after a point, it becomes an art. It is science because the recommendations are based on scientific research but become an art due to the fact that each person requires a unique diet plan. To create a diet plan, we need to consider more than just the body composition; we need to work with culture, religion, psychological state, and much more. Sport and Exercise Nutrition overall is an excellent course to get into whether one needs a better understanding of dieting.

Training Analysis to Share Objective Data With the Team

Building Blocks of Sport Nutrition

2019 October

There can be many reasons for kids joining a soccer team. However, whether the purpose is fun or professional, nutrition is a significant factor in both cases. Nutritional is building on to understand carbohydrate, fat, protein, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and fluid balance.

Carbohydrate is essential because of the primary source of fuel for muscles. The athlete's carbohydrate choice matter before, during, and after exercise, because there are deferent demands in every scenario. Before training, it's about filling up the storage. During practice, keeping up with the intensity of the competition. And after an activity, it is about the system recovery. Just like time is essential, the intake amount of carbohydrates is crucial. Too much carbohydrate intake can cause DI distress, nausea, bloating, or stomach cramping. However, consuming too little can turn into lower energy performance.

Proteins also provide energy in the form of amino acids but more importantly it is the building block of the body cells. For this reason, it plays a significant role in muscle recovery. Proteins are just like carbohydrates: the consumption time, amount, and source matter.

Jumping to fat, we need to understand how fat is digested, stored, and utilized for energy. Of course, fats are involved in much more than fuel energy demands but for now just focusing on this path is enough. Fat digestion and absorption are complicated and far more time consuming than carbohydrates. Fat intake close to exercise will cause discomfort. That's why it needs to be planned, especially with high-intensity running. The daily recommendation for fat comes from what we know about carbohydrate and protein intake in terms of macronutrient balance. Though there is much more to this course, it is far too long for an introduction. However, later on there will be more time to discuss sports nutrition.

2019 Trainings and Coachings
  • U19 Boys → Lazio/ Piscataway
  • High School Boys → Frenzy/ Cranford
  • U15 Boys → Dynamo/ Cranford
  • U6-13 Boys/Girls → Hungary
  • U12 Boys → Sounders/ Cranford
  • U12 Boys → Instructional Game/ Piscataway
  • U11 Girls → Courage>> Cranford
  • U11 Boys → Wolves/ Cranford
  • U10 Boys → Instructional Game/ Piscataway
  • U10 Boys → Bayern/ Piscataway
  • U9 Girls → Kicks/ Cranford
  • U7-8 Boys/Girls → World Cup/ Westfield
  • U6-7 Boys → Hot Shoot/ Cranford
  • U6 Boys → Instructional Game/ Piscataway
  • Tryouts at → Piscataway/ Cranford/ Chatham

Running Anatomy

2019 August-September

Running is one of the fundamental elements of soccer, and still, not many coaches spending time to have a deeper understanding of running. Analyzing running can be helpful when we like to be faster on the field. In soccer, one second can be a great advantage. Therefore we need to do the hard work to understand the running cycle. Without any knowledge of running anatomy, coaches won't be able to have a firm detailed answer on why one child has more difficulties with running than others. The first step to help someone is to figure out the motive for running. Reasons can be for fun, health, competition, or professional level. Then the challenge is on the coach to create a powerful dynamic floating movement from the potential energy stored in a physical system and the kinetic energy of the body resulting from the motion. Both energies come into play simultaneously and every little muscle works together in harmony to support the next cycle. Exciting course for coaches who genuinely try to help children to become healthier and faster.

Gillette Teams U10-U15

Safe Sport Trained U.S. Center

2019 August

Valuable and informative course to pinpoint specific surrounding issues to keep the youth population safe. Coaching youth at the traveling level, New Jersey made it a mandatory course to raise more attention to this vital topic. The reason I find it to be essential is because it is a real problem on the field. Yet at the same time, I have never seen a proper education or discussion about these subjects. Educating coaches on sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, or other types of bullying is a must in the world we live in today, and I love New Jersey Youth Soccer for making it happen. Helping coaches to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse can give another tool to make the soccer community safer. Moreover, to have training on the responsibilities for reporting and how to report is another plus I can say about this course. It took me two full days to go through on this training, and it was surprisingly informative.

Westfield U7-8 Sessions

Organizing and Running Training Camps in Hungary

2019 June-July

Hungary Training

These camps were not about taking, it was about giving. It was in the Summer from June to July, and I could reach out to around one hundred children. There were lots of learning moments that we had. In Hungary, players and coaches learned together on the soccer field. Hungary's coaching philosophy catered towards the people and the culture very well. I had the chance to see things I have never seen in the U.S. and I tried to inspire as many kids as possible for a lifetime.

Hungarian Training to Give Back to the Soccer Community


USSF, National D. Coaching License

2018 October

I love the U.S soccer federation's coaching mentality because they accurately self-reflect, lead the team and player, and figure out how we can do it better. I love the approach. Throughout my coaching license, I learned a lot from USSF coaches like Enrique Meana, Loui Mignone, Richard Williams, Auke Wiersma. Their work is truly important for the next generation.

USSF Coaching Methodology for the 11 A Side Games

Sports Sideline Certificate

2018 August

There are many cases on soccer-related injuries, and this training helps to recognize, avoid, and manage off and on-field injuries. Soccer is a contact sport, and just like any contact sport, there is a lot of impacts turns and explosive moves. Some moves are more complicated and dangerous than others. Therefore, it can cause injury in multiple ways.


It took me two days to complete this training and it was an excellent way to refresh my memory. However, New Jersey Youth Soccer made this a mandatory course for coaches at the youth recreation level in New Jersey.

2018 Trainings and Coachings
  • U19 Boys → Lazio/ Piscataway
  • U15 Boys → AC Milan/ Piscataway
  • U14 Boys → Juventus/ Piscataway
  • U11 Boys → Sounders/ Cranford
  • U11 Boys → Benfica/ Piscataway
  • U10 Girls → Pride/ Piscataway
  • U9 Boys → Cyclones/ Cranford
  • U9-12 Boys/Girls → Net Bursting/ Cranford
  • U9-12 Girls/Girls → Footwork X/ Cranford
  • U9-12 Boys → Goalkeeper session/ Piscataway
  • U6-8 Boys → Instructional Games/ Piscataway
  • U6-7 Boys → Floating Game/ Chatham
  • U6-7 Girls → Rec/ Cranford
  • Tryouts at → Piscataway/ Cranford/ Chatham

USSF, 9V9 License

2018 May

It was a nice one day course to introduce the new USSF coaching approach. Packed with lot of useful information in the classroom as well later on the field too. Enrique Meana, Loui Mignone, and Richard Williams, was teaching the new coaching philosophy. My biggest takeaway from the course is how to simplify the session plan to become more efficient on the field.

Piscataway Play Practice Play Training

Philadelphia United Soccer Coaches Convention

2018 January

Sometimes people brag about things to exaggerate an experience. However, I am not exaggerating when I say that this is the biggest coach meeting in the world. They sold more than 11,000 tickets. The convention was held for five days but unfortunately I could only attend four days. It held classes from the morning to the evening with around 250 education opportunities in endless locations, including rooms and fields packed with coaches. My biggest problem was to choose only one class for that hour because after I saw the program list, I did not want to miss one course. I could not be in multiple places, so I had to pick one by choosing the classes that I would struggle with the most. I felt like a child in the candy store: wanting it all but only being able to choose one. This convention, after four days, sucked the life out of me, but it was something I will never forget.

Philadelphia Soccer Convention


United Soccer Coaches, 7v7 / 9v9 Diploma Course

2017 November Long Island, New York

I know way too many coaches in the soccer community who works for business opportunities instead of devoting service to children's needs. However, after I met with John Fitzgerald I was confident he is coaching soccer for a higher cause than profit. The first meeting was a field session, the second meeting in a classroom setting, and the third meeting on the field again. We covered topics for 9-12 years old kids. The first day we started designing a player-centered activity and technical targets. Next meeting in the classroom, we were going through the characteristics of this age group, and how can we build rapport with the players. Before we finished up the course, everyone needed to present their session plan. I loved the way John set up sessions for this age group and showed his passion. John's knowledge is precious in the coaching community because his methodology builds on education, fun, and objective data.

Guiding Players to Create Their Own Team Culture

Soccer Coach at USA Soccer Academy

2017 September

I stopped working at SMG SportsPlex in August to start the Fall season with USA Soccer Academy. I loved SportsPlex, but I had to find something to support my coaching development. At SportsPlex, I worked with ages 6-12, but besides the younger generation, I missed coaching the 11 a side team. That desire made me find my way to USA Soccer Academy and start coaching there in September.

Evaluating the USA Soccer Academy performance environment. Regularly at the beginning of the seasons, USA Soccer Academy holds a mandatory coaching meeting to set up goals and guidelines on what to look after for the upcoming season. The meeting gives a chance to connect with peers you do not see throughout the season and create quality time to share thoughts about coaching philosophy. Above the first meeting, the club also regularly holds coaching training where coaches share game activities and secrets to improving coaching skills with open communication and reflection. I love it because it works both ways. Coaches evaluate coaching performance to have a better understanding of strengths and weaknesses. It is a real development environment. The communication between coaches can be described as extraordinary because I do not know one coach in my circle who would not want to help another coach with constructive advice.

The club gave me coaching and training opportunities from age six to U19. Working with all ages comes with many challenges because age will change the personality, and the new character will expect a different approach to staying engaged.

2017 Trainings and Coachings
  • U16 Boys → Liverpool/ Piscataway
  • U14 Boys → Juventus/ Piscataway
  • U11 Boys → Benfica/ Piscataway
  • U10 Girls → Pride/ Piscataway
  • U9-12 Boys → Goalkeeper session/ Piscataway
  • U6-8 Boys → Instructional Games/ Piscataway
  • U6-U12 Girls/Boys → All Teams/ SMG SportsPlex

NSCAA Course Defending Principles of Play

2017 July

Ian Barker made this course to help coaches understand how to create a balanced defending structure. Ian explains the most critical elements in defending and giving out activities to teach these moments.

Learning the defending phase must start with understanding the technique and tactics of the pressure/cover/balance and make/keep it compact. Ian gives a lot of answers on the roles to where, who, when, and why. I enjoyed the presentation, and when I learn something new, it becomes a part of my coaching development.

Chatham Floating Games With U6-7

Advance Weight Training Techniques

2017 April

Greg Mahadeen helped us go through moments where injury can happen and demonstrated techniques to avoid them. There are countless things to look for in weight training, but to start to narrow down, one must understand the machine, what it is for, and how it works. After being utterly familiar with the machine, we must figure out how to support our sports performance goals and stay injury-free.

Heavyweight training techniques must be contained in precise body position, proper range of motion, and a readily focused mind. Injury is always possible, but the possibility will start multiplying when pushing into forced repetitions. Lifting heavy is an essential part of the growing process as long as it is kept under control. However, weight forces body misalignment, and when the muscle cannot keep up, it must stop in the exact second to avoid injury. To recognize that moment, the trainer must have significant experience to read the signs before it happens. Over the course, we had so much fun and learned to keep things under control.

Westfield Boys World Cup

Balls, Tubing, and Plyometrics

2017 April

I took this course earlier in 2013 and it was important to my coaching development. At this time, I was learning from a different instructor than in my original class. Therefore, my purpose now was to dive into the details because the same class with different teachers will inevitably produce a different learning experience. The class had great energy and personalized attention towards the coach's concerns. We balanced movement patterns on the planes of motion to create various training programs. The ultimate goal was to improve strength, endurance, and explosiveness.

Game Talk → Game → Training

Ideas and Strategies for Small Group Personal Training

2017 April

Greg Mahadeen held the course in a small but well-equipped GYM. We were learning training techniques on explosiveness, tire flipping, bodyweight exercises, and TRX suspension training. After all, we need to design and demonstrate a training plan for a specific population and incorporate it into 1v1 then a small group training session.

Westfield U7-8 Trainings


NSCAA Course, Systems of Play

2015 September

It was a one day course held in the Red Bull Arena. The class started with the Red bull playing philosophy. The head coach of Red Bull Jesse Marsch explaining the high-pressure mentality and winning the ball on the front. After reasonably supporting his philosophy, we went out to the pitch to analyze the upcoming game between Red Bull and Orlando City SC. Throughout the course on the field, we learned techniques on game performance analysis and the Red Bull's playing style. It was an excellent experience to see the game through the lens of an analyst and to feel like a part of the Red Bull community.

Game Analysis on Red Bull vs Orlando City SC Match

2015 Trainings and Coachings
  • Throughout 2015 working at SMG SportsPlex
    training U6-U12 girls and boys


Nutritional Concepts

2014 November

After finishing up with the Personal training license, I wanted to have a deeper understanding of nutrition. Over the course, we learned to make weight loss programs, which is starting with the knowledge of the carbohydrates, fats, protein, minerals, and vitamins. This class completely changed my view of eating. After all, I created a balanced meal for the right time, with the right amount, and from the best source. A class like this should be mandatory in school in order to save our children from becoming the next obese generation.

SportsPlex Soccer Bugs Training in Metuchen

Exercise Programs for Special Population

2014 November

This course was designed to train people with medical or physical conditions. I learned about the limitations of different populations and how to improve and bounce back to an active lifestyle.

There are so many out there with heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension. Not to mention other physical limitations due to trauma of the spine or any part of the body. The same way a pregnant woman needs to have a special exercise program to stay strong throughout the pregnancy. These programs aim to work with these life challenges, build someone's life up, and keep them strong.

This course made me realize how lucky I am to have a healthy body. However, for the people who are in pain, I feel responsible for providing solutions, and this course offers me the tools to do that.

2014 Trainings and Coachings
  • Throughout 2014 working at SMG SportsPlex to train Girls and boys between U6 and U12

Soccer Coach at SMG SportsPlex in Metuchen

2014 May

At SportsPlex, I had sessions From age five to twelve. It is a super busy place with fun and carrying peers. SportsPlex is an excellent place for my coaching development because I always want to make my foundation rock solid by thoroughly understanding the fundamentals of teaching techniques.

SportsPlex is the place where I learned how to simplify activities. Like dribbling - I was shocked to see how many details come together to stand on one leg. Kids above age ten stand naturally, but it is a complex stand for six-year-olds. When I dive into balance, I realize it's a skill affecting performance on the pitch in many ways. One of the examples is supporting dribbling skills. It changes everything when kids lower their bodies and shift weight to lean into acceleration or turn. This move leads to a stabilized body for impact or creates more incredible speed. When I kept tracing this rabbit hole, I saw a child who creates greater control over the ball, dictating the game's pace and becoming the pusher and not the pushed.

Of course, there is much more to learn about 1v1 dribbling but I spent my time at SportsPlex to learn how to simplify my teaching through analysis. My primary motivation was to get to the core of making something work. I tried my best to learn everything I could and, after four years of work, I felt it was time to move to the next level.

Coaching at SportsPlex


Functional Flexibility

2013 December

One of my favorite subjects from Greg Mahadeen because flexibility has been part of my life since I was young. Flexibility is about balancing the agonist's muscles, which means we must look for the unbalanced strength and lengthen the tight muscle to reconstruct body alignment.

There are multiple reasons to work on flexibility. At my young age, before training, it was a half an hour group warm-up led by peers. Our purpose is to get through the upcoming session with no injury. However, when you get older, I realize these half-hour warm-ups did much more, helping me age better. Now that I'm in my middling ages, to maintain a pain-free life in the future, I must incorporate flexibility training in my life.

Over the course, we worked on stretching techniques to maximize body performance. The most significant impact on my development was to learn details on assisted stretching. This stretching can target muscle groups you can't stretch alone.

Cranford Teams U9-U15

Balls, Tubing, and Plyometrics

2013 November

The instructors shaped this course to gain knowledge by providing exercises examples in each subject. Also, instructors give out lots of information on injury prevention, recovery time, repetitions, posture, and breathing on these exercises.

We started with dynamic warm-up drills on the speed ladder and all kinds of hip rotation possibilities. It was part of the progress to prepare the body for 100% effort. After the warm-up, we got into plyometric training, which was all about boosting the rate of force in the muscles.

The next part of the course was on the swiss ball, medicine ball, BOSU, and disc. These exercises focused on strengthening the core and lower body muscles. The coaching points covered stability, posture, breathing, and flexibility.

The third part of the course focused on the tubing. One benefit of resistance tubing is efficiently tailoring exercises for every body part. On top of that, we learned how to incorporate equipment like a glider, bar, or foam roller. Resistance tubing turned even more interesting when we were learning to add partner drills because it created the challenge and the motivation to keep up.

2013 Trainings and Coachings
  • In 2013 working at LA Fitness as a Personal Trainer

Fitness trainer at LA Fitness

2013 October

After getting my Personal Trainer license and working at LA Fitness, I become part of the fitness industry. If my heart is not in the right place, this fancy job opportunity can easily throw me off the track. It was time to decide on what direction I wanted to take, and that was to use my skill to help adults or children.

There is a massive difference in coaching the adult population. Obviously, I'm oversimplifying, but my purpose in coaching adults is to work together to channel life back to where it was in the past. Children don't have a past and therefore, the purpose is to coach children to achieve their goals and their desired futures.

I feel excited to coach adults, but I still remember how much I want someone to guide my personality, emphasize skill, and work on my inabilities. That created the desire and channeled me back to coach the young population. After a couple of mounts, I enjoyed working with LA Fitness, but I had to leave the fitness community to work on my passion.

Westfield Girls World Cup

Personal Training License

2013 July-October

I wanted to get a personal training license because one way or another there is lots of connections between soccer and resistance training. To become a part of the fitness industry is not just cool, but made me see things from a different perspective. Studying the musculoskeletal system, body energy consumption, stretching, body movement, and nutrition elevated my soccer knowledge to the next level. Thanks to Greg Mahadeen's devotion to educating people, this study impacted my life for a better future. A license like this is a great asset to have and I can recommend it to every coach in the soccer community.

1v1 Time to Understand the Player


USSF, Soccer Coach State D. License

2012 August

The next step in my coaching development is to learn from Enrique Meana. At State D License, we work on the 13-14 years old soccer players. The course goal is to understand the Principles of Play for the 11 a side environment at an early age.

Our guideline for this course is the Best Practices for Coaching Soccer in the United States. The first part of the class was to understand and pass the Laws of the game test. It was a 45 question test about moments during a soccer game. The second part is to recognize the principles of attacking and defending in the game environment. Also, we had to prepare and deliver presentations in front of our peers to simulate public speaking situations. After all, it was a compact course and gave tons of information on players' characteristics.

Hungarian American Athletic Club Leading the Player

Soccer Coach at Hungarian American Athletic Club

2012 May-August

The Hungarian American Athletic Club is a nicely set up club in the heart of New Brunswick next to the Rutgers University. There were plenty of kids ranging from 4-16 years old and I felt so lucky to make soccer sessions for the summer. However, the soccer program had to stop at the end of August. The club struggled with available space to hold sessions, leading to a challenging situation in navigating kids from one activity to another.

2012 Trainings and Coachings
  • In 2012 working at the Hungarian American Athletic Club to train girls and boys between U4 and U16


USSF, Soccer Coach E. License

2011 July

This is the course where coaches start learning to organize their session activities. Richard Williams was giving a lot of energy to lead the class and make coaches understand moments of the game and how to coach it.

At this moment, our focus is to set a long-term development model for the age 9 to age 12 players. Richard guides all coaches to find motivations and struggles in these player's life. After the coach gets in the player's shoe, the coach gets a chance to understand the demands of a soccer session. These are the foundation to establish age-appropriate training sessions. Also, these training sessions are focused on the technical expectations of soccer players.

Another part of the course is about what a coach can expect from parents and how to get parents involved in the team program. Very nice course to prepare coaches to teach on the next level.

Coaching Development Starts With the F and E License Foundations

USSF, Soccer Coach F. License

2011 April

My first step towards to my soccer coaching education started with the F license. This course happened in a classroom setting for two days on Friday and Saturday. It began with the coaching philosophy where we needed to write our coaching philosophy to better understand our reason to coach. Then we designed a lesson plan for the U6 - U8 age population. Throughout the course, there was a lot of attention spent on safety hazards on the field and how to keep sessions fun. It was a nicely organized course to prepare yourself for the upcoming coaching responsibilities.