Think Beyond the Game
Transform Soccer Sessions Into the Bedrock of Children Development

Coaching soccer to create skillful players is the traditional way of coaching. Coaching to develop future leaders and prepare kids for life is a new dimension of coaching. The coach's approach to soccer determines the destiny of the children in the soccer community. Therefore, the coach's job is to create the appropriate personal growing environment for children.
The United States Soccer Federation (USSF) figured out a brilliant approach to create a developmental environment to provoke thoughts with a guiding question and emphasize fun sessions that can tone down the frustrating learning process. The USSF coaching philosophy is a great way to educate children because it forces coaches to step over the horizon and figure out how to lead the player, team, and the coach themselves.
After leading myself for so many years, every action or thought forces me to reflect and transform my life into a series of lessons I learned. It's easy to learn when it's fun to learn, but it's essential to stay focused when it turns hard or even painful. The trick is to figure out the child's unique pathway to create a direction and then learn to enjoy and embrace the discovery. It is a never-ending process, and there are more life skills to learn than time to teach. Therefore, personal development needs direction and must be hand-picked according to the individual interest of the child. This self-development will guide children to make quality micro-decisions in the future.
The key to teaching creativity is to retain discovery. Therefore, to help children bring out the proper quality choice again in the future, coaches use guiding questions to get the player involved in the obstacle. The questions must define success and core values of life development in order to serve them for a lifetime as a compass. It is important to define success and core values in the early age of the child because as life goes by, these principles will keep them in the right direction and shape their gut feelings towards successful decisions. Of course, laying down the bedrock of life development is more complex than asking questions, but it is an excellent tool to start supporting a child's discovery.

Children Development
- Action
- Discovery
- Safety
- Reality Imitation
- Challenging
- Tailored Support
- Questioning
- Learning
- Imagination
- Fun Play
- Chaos